Saturday, September 13, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
As I get older I gain perspective.
Usually the same perspective someone older tried to give me but I didn't take.
I'm still getting older.
I hope I can take the offered perspective along the way.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Clive Staples
"I do not of course mean that the words 'Thy will be done' are merely a submission. They should, and if we make progress they will increasingly, be the voice of joyful desire, free of hunger and thirst, and I argue very heartily that to treat them simply as a clause of submission or renunciation greatly impoverished the prayer. But though they should be something far more and better than resigned or submissive, they must not be less; they must be that at least. And as such they necessarily discipline all the succeeding clauses."
C. S. Lewis~ Petitionary Prayer: A Problem Without an Answer
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Saturday, July 26, 2008
I'm Awesome
It's recently been brought to my attention that the older I get, the more I learn about myself. Likes, dislikes, introvert, extrovert, vices, tastes, opinions, fears, and so on.
Yet, contrary to what I wish for, the more I learn about myself, the more I learn how NOT awesome I actually am. (please, don't post any affirming comments telling me you think I'm awesome. this isn't a cry out for praise just observations) :)
I've realized there is little left to be discovered about ourselves as life goes on in the way of "awesome". We find out all the good stuff early on, because every humans favorite person is themselves. It's natural:
"I've got great hair."
"Sports come naturally to me."
"People like me."
"I'm a go-getter."
"I'm well traveled."
"I'm so authentic."
"I'm so giving."
"I know a lot about little insignificant things that I like to bring up in every conversation I have." ;)
And the list goes on.
Don't hear me wrong though. I do think that there are many people that are very in touch with the fact that they have some faults and are always working towards change. Therefore they get to find out more good stuff!
But, as I said earlier there's been much brought to my attention that is not awesome recently.
To be candid:
I'm a terrible speller.
I love change but am often a wuss when it's time to take a risk.
I think I'm right too often.
I think about me extremely to often.
I love the praise of others too much.
I often find myself seeking out that praise.
I care too much about my appearance.
I'm a lover of money.
I'm SO controlling.
I'm so afraid of failure.
I talk about the fact that I'm a product of grace too little.
I'm harsh and unmerciful.
I don't answer my phone unless I want to talk to you.
My thoughts and tone of voice are often condescending.
I'm pious.
Really I could keep writing, but I think I've lost a few already with the lengthy post.
All this to say...I'm not awesome. And it's nice, though tiring, to know I'm not going to run out of things to work on with myself any time soon
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Monday, May 5, 2008
Here's a loud,
"Thank YOU Mexico!"
for half-price margaritas today.
*I turned 23 Saturday. I'll start investing in anti-wrinkle cream next year.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Posh Humanitarians
It's has never been so chic to be a humanitarian or environmentalist.
Why is that a problem?
I have been apart of, overheard, and suffered through more conversations about these topics more in the last year than my whole life combined.
Though recently I have heard several people (mostly Christians) say, "Well, it's just so trendy to care about Africa/poverty/AIDS/hybrid cars/etc." All of this said with a bit of distain in their tone. This is my response to that:
How wonderful that it is trendy to care about the rest of the world! How wonderful that people are doing more than every to fight hunger in 3rd World countries! How wonderful that people are trying to educate themselves on the state of the world we live in today!
EVEN if it is because it makes them look better at dinner parties.
EVEN if it is because they get a tax break.
EVEN if it is because movie stars are doing it.
Let's (especially Christians) get over it. Let's do more to be trendy! And yes, I know it's not trendy to be trendy.
Get over it.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Panera Bread Dictations
I sit in the loner section at Panera Bread.
It's right when you walk in to the left, and during lunch time it's filled with loners with their lap tops and books. I love it.
I think it's when you hit about 67 that you decide, "I don't give a #&@$ about anything."
"You can see my bra through this shirt?....What of it?"
"I cut you in line?....What of it?"
"You can smell my baby powder and hair from your table?...What of it?"
"I entered the Hwy at 35 mph?....What of it?"
"I put 3 packs of salt on everything I eat?...What of it?"
Why do people walk around with ear buds in their ears always listening to music? Is your inner monologue that lame?
Monday, March 31, 2008
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Monday, March 3, 2008
Feelings Array (in no particular order)
Young in every sense of the word
Abandoned, yet it doesn't seem justified
Hungry; mainly for pizza
American (if my vote counts)
Feminine; and every emotional cliche that comes with it
Logical...though isn't it void of the emotion?
Anxious...but about what?
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Thursday, February 14, 2008
A Valentine's Day Conversation
Via Text messaging with an old friend-
B: "Have fun being in love tonight...i on the other hand will be killing myself."
Me: "Ha...remember how much work love is. You did it once. Try to recall it if you will."
B: "Hard work is better than having no work i have come to realize."
Me: "That's good man wisdom. I'm going to quote you on that."
B: "Thats why they call me whiskers"
Much love, on the day of love.
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