Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Posh Humanitarians

It's has never been so chic to be a humanitarian or environmentalist. 
Why is that a problem?
I have been apart of, overheard, and suffered through more conversations about these topics more in the last year than my whole life combined.  
Though recently I have heard several people (mostly Christians) say, "Well, it's just so trendy to care about Africa/poverty/AIDS/hybrid cars/etc."  All of this said with a bit of distain in their tone.  This is my response to that:


How wonderful that it is trendy to care about the rest of the world!  How wonderful that people are doing more than every to fight hunger in 3rd World countries!  How wonderful that people are trying to educate themselves on the state of the world we live in today!  
EVEN if it is because it makes them look better at dinner parties.
EVEN if it is because they get a tax break.
EVEN if it is because movie stars are doing it.

Let's (especially Christians) get over it.  Let's do more to be trendy!  And yes, I know it's not trendy to be trendy.

Get over it.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Panera Bread Dictations

I sit in the loner section at Panera Bread.
It's right when you walk in to the left, and during lunch time it's filled with loners with their lap tops and books.  I love it.

I think it's when you hit about 67 that you decide, "I don't give a #&@$ about anything." 
"You can see my bra through this shirt?....What of it?"
"I cut you in line?....What of it?"
"You can smell my baby powder and hair from your table?...What of it?"
"I entered the Hwy at 35 mph?....What of it?" 
"I put 3 packs of salt on everything I eat?...What of it?"

Why do people walk around with ear buds in their ears always listening to music?  Is your inner monologue that lame?