Saturday, September 13, 2008

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

There is a homeless guy that is almost always standing at the light when you cross over I-45 to get to Scarsdale.

He's like a good boyfriend you can count on.  He's consistent.

A good man can be hard to come by these days...

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


As I get older I gain perspective.
Usually the same perspective someone older tried to give me but I didn't take.

I'm still getting older.
I hope I can take the offered perspective along the way.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Clive Staples

"I do not of course mean that the words 'Thy will be done' are merely a submission.  They should, and if we make progress they will increasingly, be the voice of joyful desire, free of hunger and thirst, and I argue very heartily that to treat them simply as a clause of submission or renunciation greatly impoverished the prayer.  But though they should be something far more and better than resigned or submissive, they must not be less; they must be that at least.  And as such they necessarily discipline all the succeeding clauses." 

C. S. Lewis~ Petitionary Prayer: A Problem Without an Answer  

Thursday, July 31, 2008


A lot.
Especially Key Lime Pie Cake.

I had 2 pieces before bed tonight.
Stupid cake.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

I'm Awesome

It's recently been brought to my attention that the older I get, the more I learn about myself.  Likes, dislikes, introvert, extrovert, vices, tastes, opinions, fears, and so on.

Yet, contrary to what I wish for, the more I learn about myself, the more I learn how NOT awesome I actually am.  (please, don't post any affirming comments telling me you think I'm awesome. this isn't a cry out for praise just observations) :)

I've realized there is little left to be discovered about ourselves as life goes on in the way of "awesome".  We find out all the good stuff early on, because every humans favorite person is themselves.  It's natural: 
"I've got great hair."
"Sports come naturally to me."
"People like me."
"I'm a go-getter."
"I'm well traveled."
"I'm so authentic."
"I'm so giving."
"I know a lot about little insignificant things that I like to bring up in every conversation I have." ;)
And the list goes on. 
 Don't hear me wrong though.  I do think that there are many people that are very in touch with the fact that they have some faults and are always working towards change.  Therefore they get to find out more good stuff!

But, as I said earlier there's been much brought to my attention that is not awesome recently.
To be candid:
I'm a terrible speller.
I love change but am often a wuss when it's time to take a risk.
I think I'm right too often.
I think about me extremely to often.
I love the praise of others too much.
I often find myself seeking out that praise.
I care too much about my appearance.
I'm a lover of money.
I'm SO controlling.
I'm so afraid of failure.
I talk about the fact that I'm a product of grace too little.
I'm harsh and unmerciful.
I don't answer my phone unless I want to talk to you.
My thoughts and tone of voice are often condescending.
I'm pious. 

Really I could keep writing, but I think I've lost a few already with the lengthy post. 
All this to say...I'm not awesome.  And it's nice, though tiring, to know I'm not going to run out of things to work on with myself any time soon

Thursday, July 24, 2008


I'm overwhelmed. 
I prefer being under it so much more.