Tuesday, August 26, 2008

There is a homeless guy that is almost always standing at the light when you cross over I-45 to get to Scarsdale.

He's like a good boyfriend you can count on.  He's consistent.

A good man can be hard to come by these days...

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


As I get older I gain perspective.
Usually the same perspective someone older tried to give me but I didn't take.

I'm still getting older.
I hope I can take the offered perspective along the way.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Clive Staples

"I do not of course mean that the words 'Thy will be done' are merely a submission.  They should, and if we make progress they will increasingly, be the voice of joyful desire, free of hunger and thirst, and I argue very heartily that to treat them simply as a clause of submission or renunciation greatly impoverished the prayer.  But though they should be something far more and better than resigned or submissive, they must not be less; they must be that at least.  And as such they necessarily discipline all the succeeding clauses." 

C. S. Lewis~ Petitionary Prayer: A Problem Without an Answer