Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Every Tuesday or Wednesday of each week I have about an hour a half for lunch, so I come and sit at Penera Bread.  It's really climbed the list of favorite "part of the week".  I adore alone time spent surrounded by other people.  And I love the thought process that that follows in that sort of an environment...
- What will I be like when I'm 75 years old?
- What will LIFE be like when I'm 25 years old?
- Young children in public places is the best kind of birth control around.
- Lord, let me love people the way you love people.
- He created such a capacity in us to love, and too often I end up wasting so much of it loving my self.
- I always have, and always will like the way a tall man looks in business clothes 
- John Mayer is so good at what he does, because his lyrics are not trite or easy...they make you say, "YEAH!  I feel that way too!"
- There's a man dressed like Indiana Jones eating two tables over...oh right, it's Halloween.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Though there is pain...

"...when I wake up, I am still with you."       ~Psalm 139

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Battlefields & Whistling?

I heard the song "Love is a Battlefield" today on the radio.   
There is whistling in it after the chorus.
I just thought that was silly is all I wanted to say...

Saturday, October 20, 2007


My prayer and petition as of late has been the longing for hindsight of the present.  So what it really boils down to, is me not wanting to deal with faith.  Sure I want it...but there's always a work to be done in the process of it all.  

Bonhoeffer wrote, in "The Cost of Discipleship",  that the two statements, "only he who believes is obedient, and only he who is obedient believes", are joined.  "It is quite unbiblical to hold the first proposition without the second."  

But I know that when that choice is made to be obedient and it is followed by hurt, there is a special kind of peace and faith that mingles in the midst of it all.  It helps soften the edges and makes you look forward to the hindsight instead of fearfully waiting on it.   

Friday, October 19, 2007

In some sense the most benevolent, generous person in the world seeks his own happiness in doing good to others, because he places his happiness in their good.  His mind is so enlarged as to take them, as it were, into himself.  Thus when they are happy, he feels it; he partakes with them, and is happy in their happiness.

~ Jonathan Edwards