Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Every Tuesday or Wednesday of each week I have about an hour a half for lunch, so I come and sit at Penera Bread.  It's really climbed the list of favorite "part of the week".  I adore alone time spent surrounded by other people.  And I love the thought process that that follows in that sort of an environment...
- What will I be like when I'm 75 years old?
- What will LIFE be like when I'm 25 years old?
- Young children in public places is the best kind of birth control around.
- Lord, let me love people the way you love people.
- He created such a capacity in us to love, and too often I end up wasting so much of it loving my self.
- I always have, and always will like the way a tall man looks in business clothes 
- John Mayer is so good at what he does, because his lyrics are not trite or easy...they make you say, "YEAH!  I feel that way too!"
- There's a man dressed like Indiana Jones eating two tables over...oh right, it's Halloween.


Andrew Minchew said...

i agree about kids in public places. very effective.
good post.

Joe Ahlert said...

Sarah. I envy you. I never ever get a chance to just sit down and take in the world. I wish I could. I wish I had the time to sit on a bench in a busy park and just watch people. yeah, creepy, but it would be entertaining. I would do it with headphones on, and imagining music videos of a specific person playing it out.